• Make a strong first impression
  • Together we bring ideas to life
  • no matter big or small

trousse emballage pour cosmétique

Trousse emballage pour flacon de cosmétique. Cadeau peu coûteux qui sera conservé comme trousse de toilette. Projet de goodies, packing, décoration pour magasin: pat...

sur-chaussaures - shoe cover

le secours des chaussures de ville en cas de pluie, de neige, boue. Un cadeau apprécié, un marquage remarqué dans des moments difficiles immediate help for city shoes for rain, ...

From 2020, we still succeed productions. With more partnership with customer, suppliers, forwarders. Scheduling deliveries with more precaution than ever for trying to avoid the surprises that transport conditions never made so out of control... Any project welcome and don't blame us if you are told that the schedule you could have dreamed is not realistic...


Gifts & Premium

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Gifts & Premium

Products branded or not. Agencies and traders are helping companies for choosing the more appropriate. We are advising factories for existing products and/or materials and technics for developing original products within the targets: aestetic, quality, price and schedule.

The earlier we start working at a project, the better chance to succeed.



Window Decoration & Shop Fitting

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Window Decoration & Shop Fitting

Display windows and shops are showing a lot to the public about the brand and their communication. Designers and Visual Merchandisers often need to have the same material on different shops. There is a budget and a schedule sometime for delivering in a lot of locations in different countries. It is always a big chalenge.

The more important is the preparation and choice of the materials and factories for their capacities to preview development, productions and transport.  

Outdoor Furniture & Equipment

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Outdoor Furniture & Equipment

Furnitures and accessories for swimming pools, gardens and terrasses/balconies. we are working for retails developing their product lines following their safety regulations, target prices and schedules.